Recent Publications About Family Economic Security
Maine Children's Alliance 2020 Legislative and Advocacy Priorities
January 30, 2020: For 25 years, MCA has promoted sound policies and best practices to make sure all Maine children have the resources and opportunity to reach their full potential from birth to adulthood. Our priority issue areas include: Early Care and Education; Health, Safety & Well-being; and Family Economic & Food Security.
Child Poverty in Maine 2020
January 2, 2020: Growing up in povertycan dramatically impact a child’s life. Child poverty can adversely affect children across all developmental domains, beginning in early childhood and lasting into adulthood. Living in poverty also increases a child’s risk for poor health, cognitive, social, emotional, and educational outcomes. Adults who grew up in poverty are more likely to earn less, to have chronic health issues, and to struggle to maintain steady, stable employment. This is especially true for adults who spent long periods of their childhood in poverty, or periods of their childhood in deep poverty. Therefore, it is critical to the health and well-being of Maine’s children and to our shared future success, that we work to eradicate child poverty in our state.
Invest in Tomorrow
October 15, 2019: Invest in Tomorrow is an initiative undertaken by Maine organizations, businesses, and individuals to cut Maine's child poverty rate in half over the next ten years as a step toward eradicating child poverty in a generation.
Annie E. Casey Foundation
October 15, 2019: The Annie E. Casey Foundation is devoted to developing a brighter future for millions of children at risk of poor educational, economic, social and health outcomes.
Center for Law and Social Policy
October 15, 2019: CLASP is a national, nonpartisan, anti-poverty nonprofit advancing policy solutions for low-income people. We develop practical yet visionary strategies for reducing poverty, promoting economic opportunity, and addressing barriers faced by people of color.
Food Research and Action Center
October 15, 2019: FRAC is the leading national nonprofit organization working to eradicate poverty-related hunger and undernutrition in the United States.
Maine Equal Justice Partners
October 15, 2019: Maine Equal Justice (MEJ) is a nonprofit legal aid provider working to increase economic security, opportunity, and equity for people in Maine.
Maine Women's Lobby
October 15, 2019: For over 40 years, the Maine Women’s Lobby has been an advocate on the issues affecting the lives of Maine women and girls. We work to create a future that is free from violence, free from discrimination, with access to health care, and real economic security.
Maine Together
October 15, 2019: Maine Together is a nonpartisan coalition of Maine organizations that recognizes the vital role federal domestic programs play in supporting Maine’s economy and people.
Children Living in High-Poverty, Low-Opportunity Neighborhoods
September 24, 2019: This snapshot shares the latest data — for the nation and each state — on children growing up in high-poverty areas. It also singles out two important factors, geographic location and race and ethnicity, that shape a child’s risk of living in concentrated poverty. The document ends by outlining recommended moves that leaders can take to help families in these communities thrive.
The State of Child Care in Maine: 2019
August 14, 2019: Child care is an essential support for families, allowing parents to work while their children are cared for during this critical period of their development. However, the cost of child care is a significant burden for families—particularly for families with limited financial resources.
Maine Center for Economic Policy
July 8, 2019: Nonpartisan research and policy organization dedicated to improving the economic well-being of low- and moderate-income Mainers.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
July 8, 2019: Nonpartisan research and policy institute pursuing federal and state policies designed both to reduce poverty and inequality and to restore fiscal responsibility in equitable and effective ways and help low-income people.
MaineSpark: Connect to your future
July 8, 2019: Connect to your future with MaineSpark. Their powerful network of organizations share a common goal: by 2025, 60% of Mainers will hold education and workforce credentials that position Maine and its families for success. No matter what path you choose for your own future, they are here to connect you.
Policy Basics: The Child Tax Credit
April 8, 2019: Enacted in 1997 and expanded with bipartisan support since 2001, the Child Tax Credit (CTC) helps working families offset the cost of raising children. It is worth up to $2,000 per eligible child (under age 17 at the end of the tax year). The CTC also includes a $500 non-refundable credit for families with qualifying non-child dependents.
July 3, 2018: With access to reliable, nutritious food, our children are ready to play, learn and grow. MCA works with Full Plates Full Potential to reduce food insecurity and end child hunger. It takes all of us to create healthy, hunger-free kids!
Opening Doors for Young Parents
July 3, 2018: This report reminds policymakers and child advocates of the barriers that young families face. It examines national and state-level trends — highlighting areas of opportunity and concern — and then shares potential solutions that can help these families thrive.
Investing in our Future: How Maine Can Prepare our Children to Become Tomorrow’s Leaders
September 22, 2017: This report from the Maine Women's Policy Center highlights the experiences of Maine parents who are trying to access early childhood programs or find quality, affordable child care while they work or go to school. It outlines a number of strategies, that when implemented together, have the potential to transform Maine’s early childhood system and lead us into a more prosperous future.